The Grand Site

The Grand Site - Dune du Pilat

A powerful encounter
between the forest, the dune and the ocean

The highest dune in Europe
The Grand Site - Dune du Pilat
The Grand Site - Dune du Pilat

Bienvenue sur le Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat, un espace naturel protégé de 6 875 hectares, dont le principal propriétaire est le Conservatoire du littoral, situé à l’entrée du Bassin d’Arcachon.

Credits: Mixed Syndicate of the Great Dune of Pilat
Video and image credits: @Midiprod
Audiovisual production: @Opixido, Maxime Morin and Magalie Fargeas

Véritable particularité du littoral aquitain, la Dune du Pilat est un site naturel empreint d’exotisme et de majesté. 101 mètres de haut, 616 m de large et 2,9 km de long, the highest dune in Europe offers a striking contrast on the forest, sand and ocean. But did you know that this monument is constantly evolving? The Dune du Pilat cannot stand still! Under wind action, it moves 1 to 5 meters towards the forest massif. Its evolution is closely studied by scientists.

A remarkable site to be protected for future generations

Symbols of the rich natural heritage of the Arcachon Basin, these fragile landscapes are protected by law. There Dune du Pilat and the La Teste-de-Buch user forest are classified on the departmental list of natural monuments and sites (under the Environmental Code). The implementation of this legislation is the responsibility of the State and its decentralized services (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing).

Nothing but sand, transparent water, pine forests, wooden huts
(Jean Hugo, great-grandson of Victor Hugo)