Cultural shops - Dune du Pilat

Cultural shops 

Eight shops are present on the site, including two cultural shops, dedicated to products from local crafts.


Cultural shops - Dune du Pilat

Le Panier du Bassin offers, in addition to its famous shortbread, posters, postcards, wooden objects (magnets, games, toys, souvenirs), osrealite jewelry (broken oyster shells) and Paris currency (special edition 2024).

What do the Dune and running a cultural boutique on the site mean to you?

Julie CAUNES, employee. “ It is to be in the image of the environment. It’s offering something artisanal, environmentally friendly. Also live up to the wealth that can be found in the Basin.

Your best memory here?

Sunset. Being able to be around other people. See the wonder in others, regardless of age. I find the same thing when working in the reception area, I can read this wonder on the faces.

Any visiting advice?

Come twice. Once in the morning, very early. And another time at sunset. They are two totally different energies.

How do you promote the site?

By visiting tips focused on respecting the environment with waste, bags. I also advise visitors not to hesitate to isolate themselves, to open their senses, to be interested in the history of the place, of the Basin. This is how we understand where we are going and how we measure the value of things. The goal of all this is to leave with an enriched heart. I am very sensitive to transmission, and not just something material.

What made you want to work on this site?

The fact of integrating yourself into a dynamic in order to promote a story, a know-how. We are establishing ourselves in a place that also has a future. The Dune moves and we move with it.

A word to describe the Dune?

Magic. The Dune is so exotic, so changing. I climbed to the summit for the first time at 12 years old and have since returned at every key moment of my life. I have a special history with the Dune.”
Cultural shops - Dune du Pilat


Cultural shops - Dune du Pilat

The shop offers imagery in several forms (posters, frames, etc.), books, albums on the Basin, wooden objects and candles with maritime pine essential oils. These are local products (no further than Bordeaux) and handmade.

What do the Dune and running a cultural boutique on the site mean to you?

Julie NOUGUEYREAU, manager and her daughter, Paloma FAJARNES. “ We're from the region so it's symbolic. We have always known the Dune. If someone had told me several years ago that I would be running a store here, I certainly would not have believed it. We are very happy to be in this setting.

Your best memory here?

I would say the first time I brought my kids. It was in winter, of course. We only came at this time before. For us, the memories here are with the down jacket. It was important to introduce them to this place, which they immediately appreciated.

Any visiting advice?

We love the sunset. But now I would say that the most pleasant thing is to come in the morning. It's quiet, there are almost no people, almost no footprints. Being the first of the day isn't bad. We recommend it to visitors from elsewhere.

How do you promote the site?

We have questions about the region, boat trips, the Banc d'Arguin. The posters that we sell and which represent places in the Basin raise these kinds of questions. There are a lot of exchanges and it's very practical to be local.

What made you want to work on this site?

We also have a restaurant in the center of Arcachon and we know shops and traders on the market. And we said to ourselves: this kind of thing, original and quality objects, must be offered on a site like the Dune. In addition, we work with suppliers encountered on the market, for example. We are happy to offer these products here, quality products.

A word to describe the Dune?

Exceptional. We never tire. Plus, every climb is different, up there it's never the same. »
Cultural shops - Dune du Pilat

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