Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

Catering and takeaway

Eight businesses are present on the site including three restaurants and three takeaway businesses: a seafood tasting offer (including oysters from the Arcachon Bay) and tapas based on charcuterie and seafood; a range of verrines and casseroles of French cuisine linked to the local culinary heritage; a quality catering offer, simple and accessible to all based on fresh, local or organic farming products; organic-labeled bakery/sandwich products; organic frozen products; hot or cold sandwiches with emphasis on local products.


Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

Tekoa Dune offers salads, poke bowls, brunch plates and burgers using local products. There are also homemade drinks and cocktails.

What do the Dune and running a restaurant on the site mean to you?

Romain VERRIER, manager. “It’s a chance to be here. We have traveled a lot. Since we became entrepreneurs, we no longer have the opportunity but here it's a bit of the world that comes to us. It's atypical. The international clientele is an opportunity. The family side is important too. We meet families and we also come with our loved ones.

Your best memory here?

Sunsets at the top of the Dune. Even with clouds, they are magnificent. It's even better with clouds. There aren't many places like that in the world. You just have to sit down somewhere and enjoy.

Any visiting advice?

To take your time. We see a lot of people in a hurry. It's not just the Dune itself, there's the entire host village, it's a real experience. I would also advise moving away, finding a quiet corner. And enjoy.

How do you promote the site?

We answer some practical questions, of course.
I also try to direct visitors so that they have a unique time here, without necessarily following everyone else. I ask them if they have taken water with them, I warn them in case of strong wind at the summit. If they came by car, I advise them to return by bike for sunrise for example or even in winter. It's totally different at this time.

What made you want to work on this site?

First of all, you should know that we were the only catering point within the temporary reception village during the work.
Then, the specifications of the call for tenders from the Syndicat Mixte de la Dune being focused among other things on local and organic, this allows me to develop my business, to move towards this dynamic of local and organic with as little waste as possible. And we are taking this path together with the Union.

A word to describe the Dune?

A jewel. It is something unique, to be preserved. La Dune shines throughout the world. People travel across the planet to see it.

Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat


Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

Le Snack de la Dune offers takeaway food, hot and cold, salads and various drinks.

What do the Dune and running a restaurant on the site mean to you?

Eric LAMARENS, manager. “First of all, it is an honor and a pride to work on such a prestigious site. It's a place that also corresponds to my values: in my daily life, I try to respect the environment as much as possible. This is why I find it important to find quality products in a place like this.

Your best memory here?

I am originally from the Basque Country but I have been here for 18 years. No one is insensitive. It’s an exceptional site, everyone is amazed when they arrive here. The dune is naturally beautiful and what has been done around it, human intervention, is successful. With my children, our beach is Sabloneys, south of the Dune. It offers an incredible panorama. On the other hand, you have to be sporty because you have to go down and then go up again.

Any visiting advice?

I find the presentation of the site via the short films in the exhibition cabin very interesting, very educational. This presents the site and its management. This is real information. It's a sort of pleasure and emotion at the top of the dune and information on the reception area. And as long as there is information, we can raise awareness.

How do you promote the site?

First of all, we remind them of how lucky they are to be on a unique site. We advise them to take advantage of it. When we have time to chat, we explain to them that they are on an exceptional site that must be preserved. I don't hesitate to tell them that if they see something on the ground, they can pick it up. It's all in the way you say it. I'm kind of asking them to help us. I entrust them with a mission.

What made you want to work on this site?

I manage artisanal bakeries in La Teste-de-Buch and Arcachon. I simply wanted to help bring quality products to a site that deserves it.

A word to describe the Dune?

Magic. You can't see this anywhere else. There is the beauty of the site and above all the naturalness. The nature aspect comes into play and is very important. I come back to Sabloneys beach, we are surrounded by nature, it's like a lost beach where we see nothing of Man.

Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat


Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

L'Avant-Goût offers hot and cold takeaway food, homemade crepes, artisanal ice creams and a variety of drinks.

What do the Dune and running a restaurant on the site mean to you?

Bruno BUSSINET, manager. “ I have always loved nature. It is an opportunity to have been selected as part of the call for applications and to bring my culinary know-how (Bruno has been a trader on the Dune site since 2009 and previously ran a brasserie) and our warm welcome . We are stakeholders in the Basin, we have the opportunity to set an example in order to raise visitors' awareness of the preservation of the site. I sometimes inform them and answer questions about buses, visits to the Basin, the difference in spelling between Pilat and Pyla, the significant presence of pines.

Your best memory here?

I'm from Lot et Garonne, I've been coming to La Dune since I was a kid. What I appreciated was being at the top, with a 360° view of the Basin. And that’s still the case! We have nothing to complain about here, we are not badly off. This is what I sometimes say to visitors who are a little impatient. I tell them to put things into perspective, we are surrounded by forest, we have to take advantage of it to disconnect.

Any visiting advice?

You have to visit the Dune at sunset, it's really something to do. And in general, don't hesitate to ask questions, on the Banc d'Arguin for example.

How do you promote the site?

We just talk to people. When I prepare their order, I ask them where they are from and off they go. They ask about the fire and other things. Relationships are part of the job. The first step is important, it leads to other questions afterwards. This is particularly an opportunity to remind you of certain regulations such as wild camping, parking which is closed at night, etc.

What made you want to work on this site?

The framework. I prefer to be here than in Paris, for example. I arrive early, I leave late, I happen to come across an animal, a deer, I hear the wagtails. You don't find that in town. It's an extraordinary place.

A word to describe the Dune?

Grandiose. Magic. I actually have an anecdote about this. The name of my company is Magic Pilat. Some people ask me why this name. I tell them: you are at the Dune, it’s magical and it’s right there.

Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat


Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

Bio Yum Yum mainly offers organic ice creams and smoothies, made almost exclusively with vegetable milk. There are also hot products such as chocolate cakes (but always with a touch of ice cream) and iced coffees.

What do the Dune and running a restaurant on the site mean to you?

Petra SKUFCA, co-manager. “ It is an exceptional opportunity to have been selected as part of the call for applications. The location of the business somehow dictates success. You can have the best product, but if you're in a bad position, it won't work. Besides that, I can present my recipes to a wider, international clientele.

Your best memory here?

I remember being impressed the first time I came here. It's a special place. I had never known a place with all three landscapes (sea, desert, forest). I have known all three before separately but not together. This is a very special site, which cannot be found anywhere else.

Any visiting advice?

Do not visit it in direct sunlight (laughs).
Personally, I prefer slightly overcast days. And when it's windy, you can feel the force of nature. We then realize that we are very small compared to the immensity of nature. I would also advise coming back, choosing different times to visit the Dune, for those who are not just passing through.

How do you promote the site?

During the slightly calmer days, we talk with the visitors. They mainly ask us practical questions about the site so we inform them, we guide them, it's part of our work.

What made you want to work on this site?

The working environment is magnificent. I learned things here, when we climbed the Dune with the other traders. Before, the Bio Yum Yum concept was a truck and we went from one place to another. I responded to the Syndicat Mixte's call for tenders because I was looking for a nice place to settle down. And I was accepted.

A word to describe the Dune?

Gorgeous. It is an exceptional place. It's a privilege to be here, to work here.
Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat


Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

As its name suggests, Oyster & Tapas offers oysters for tasting and tapas, charcuterie or cheese platters to share. It is possible to eat on site, on the terrace.

What do the Dune and running a restaurant on the site mean to you?

Arnaud LAFON, manager. “ When I learned of the call for applications, I took this great opportunity to respond. I am very happy to work here. I can sell my own products (he manages a company on the side) and seafood (oysters from the Arcachon Bay in particular). I also meet an international clientele here.

Your best memory here?

I was born in Arcachon. I know the site very well. I have come here very often, through more confidential entrances, even by boat. My fondest memory is the escape that the Dune gives me.

Any visiting advice?

To come by my house!
More seriously, you have to take the time to look at the landscape and see it change. With the tides, it changes completely. We must take advantage of the moment and the moments that the Basin gives us.

How do you promote the site?

We welcome quite a few people who unfortunately cannot climb the Dune. They settle in with us while waiting for the others to return. So we chat with them. Just start the exchange, smile, offer water for the dog and off you go. We invite them to visit the entire host village.

Visiting the Dune is a moment of life, of well-being to share. So we do everything to make them have a good time.

What made you want to work on this site?

I am a native of the country. I already had the opportunity several years ago but it didn't happen. This is the place to be! I am incredibly lucky. Working here is a consecration for a local child. I work with my two daughters, it's perfect.

A word to describe the Dune?

Extraordinary. I have wonderful memories here. People are amazed by it, that’s why we do everything to make their experience as successful as possible.

Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat


Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

Monument Café offers catering on site, on the terrace or in its room (heated in winter) in the form of a fresh buffet, starters and desserts in glasses and hot or cold dishes. Its menu evolves regularly.

What do the Dune and running a restaurant on the site mean to you?

Morgane Comte, executive assistant. “ It is the first natural site in which a Monument Café is installed (there are ones at the Château de Versailles, at the Château de Fontainebleau or even at the Musée de la Marine), it is very symbolic and it is a great discovery. La Dune corresponds to Monument Café's values in terms of respect for the environment, fresh and local products. The working environment and environment are pleasant. Warm and peaceful are the words that often come from people's mouths.

Your best memory here?

The first time I came here was quite a while ago. For me, it's a family, friendly place, with children playing in the sand and very pretty sunsets..

Any visiting advice?

I would advise walking along the crest of the dune, walking in the sand, not hesitating to isolate yourself and not staying near the stairs.

How do you promote the site?

It's when customers leave their table that they are asked if they have climbed the Dune or if they are going to go there.

We advise them to bring water before going, to watch the short films in the exhibition cabin and to contact the mediators in the discovery cabin. Being so close to the Dune encourages these exchanges.

What made you want to work on this site?

The CEO of Monument Café fell in love with the Basin and the Dune. He is used to coming here on vacation. When he learned of the call for applications, he took the opportunity to respond. The fact of having fully understood the challenges of the Grand Site and the role of the manager allowed him to be selected among the candidates. It was obvious to him. In addition, it is the first natural site for the channel. It's symbolic.

A word to describe the Dune?

Extraordinary. It is an unusual natural phenomenon which is also very imposing. We feel very small next to it.”

Catering and takeaway - Dune du Pilat

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