[AVIS DE PUBLICITE] Appel à manifestation d’intérêt
Encadrement de la pratique du vol libre sur le site de la Dune du Pilat (Commune de La Teste-de-Buch)
Cet appel à manifestation vise à encadrer la pratique du vol libre proposée par les structures et associations pratiquants le site de la Dune du Pilat au moins 15 jours par an pour des activités commerciales.
- Développé en partenariat avec la Fédération Française de Vol Libre, il vise à régulariser ces pratiques conformément au Code général de la propriété des personnes publiques (CG3P) en intégrant les enjeux environnementaux et de libre accès à ce site d’exception.
- Deux lots ont été identifiés pour accueillir des structures proposant des vols de parapente : le site de Sabloney et le site des Gaillouneys. Au vu des conditions de chaque secteur, pour garantir de l’adéquation de la pratique du vol libre aux enjeux de libre accès et environnementaux, le nombre de biplaceurs professionnels est limité. Il a donc été défini un numérus clausus fixant le nombre et type de pratiques autorisées.
Remise des dossiers de candidatures : le 03 mars 2025 à 12h00
Les dossiers sont à envoyer à : Délégation Aquitaine du Conservatoire du littoral – 180 rue Judaïque – CS12096 – 33077 Bordeaux cedex (par courrier ou sur RDV), ou par courriel à : aquitaine@conservatoire-du-littoral.fr
Ordered public
As a local public establishment, the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat is subject to the Public Order Code.
Service providers, suppliers or companies are invited to visit this section regularly to know the current procedures. The consultation files are available on the dematerialization platform (buyer profile) of the Mixed Syndicate: https://demat-ampa.fr/.
La consultation du marché de Maintenance du système d’exploitation du Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat est actuellement en ligne sur la plateforme de dématérialisation (profil acheteur) du Syndicat mixte : By clicking here
Tenders must be transmitted electronically via this platform.
For any information, please contact the Mixed Union via the email available on this platform.
La consultation de l’Accord-cadre Fourniture de produits d’entretien, d’hygiène et d’équipement d’entretien pour l’espace sanitaire du Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat est actuellement en ligne sur la plateforme de dématérialisation (profil acheteur) du Syndicat mixte : By clicking here
Tenders must be transmitted electronically via this platform.
For any information, please contact the Mixed Union via the email available on this platform.
Award notification
Avis d’attribution et de signature – Marché relatif à la maintenance du système d’exploitation sur le parc de stationnement du Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat
En sa qualité de Présidente du Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, établissement public à caractère administratif dont le siège est situé à Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164, La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, dûment autorisée par la délibération n° 340.2022.16 portant modification de la délégation d’attributions du comité syndical au Président en date du 16 septembre 2022, a signé le 18 décembre 2024, un marché portant sur la maintenance du système d’exploitation sur le parc de stationnement du Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat, attribué à :
- La société SCHEIDT ET BACHMANN dont le siège social est situé 201 rue Jules Ferry, 95360 MONTMAGNY pour une durée de trois années et un montant annuel de 19120 euros HT.
Public contracts and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration. They may be communicated to persons who so request according to the procedures defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The public contracts and their annexes are also freely accessible, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. within the administrative premises of the Syndicat Mixte, located 949 avenue du parc des expositions, 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature – Framework agreement relating to the printing of communication tools and media for the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat
En sa qualité de Présidente du Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, établissement public à caractère administratif dont le siège est situé à Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, dûment autorisée par la délibération n° 340.2022.16 portant modification de la délégation d’attributions du comité syndical au Président en date du 16 septembre 2022, a signé le 05 août 2024, pour une durée maximale de trois ans, l’accord-cadre relatif à l’impression des outils et supports de communication du Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat :
- Lot 1 Printing, finishing and delivery of printed documents “Print” is awarded to the company IMPRIMERIE LAPLANTE, whose head office is located at 3, impasse Jules Hetzel Parc d'activités Mérisud 33700 MERIGNAC, for a maximum amount of 50,000 euros excluding tax;
- Lot 2 “Printing, finishing and delivery of exterior signage” is awarded to the company IMPRIMERIE LAPLANTE, whose head office is located at 3, impasse Jules Hetzel Parc d'activités Mérisud 33700 MERIGNAC, for a maximum amount of 70,000 euros excluding tax;
- Lot 3 Printing, finishing and delivery of parking tickets is awarded to the company CONTRÔLE GRAPHIQUE, whose head office is located at 4 Chemin de Villemenon – ZI, 77170 BRIE COMTE ROBERT, for a maximum amount of 50,000 euros excluding tax.
Public contracts and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration. They may be communicated to persons who so request according to the procedures defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The public contracts and their annexes are also freely accessible, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. within the administrative premises of the Syndicat Mixte, located 949 avenue du parc des expositions, 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature – Contract relating to night surveillance and visitor assistance in the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose head office is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164, La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by resolution no. 340.2022.16 amending the delegation of powers of the joint committee to the President dated September 16, 2022, signed on June 10, 2024, a contract relating to the surveillance and assistance to visitors in the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat, awarded to:
- The company VICTORY'S SUD OUEST whose head office is located at 3 rue Paul Rocache, 31100 Toulouse for a period of three years and an annual amount of 18,111.61 euros excluding tax.
Public contracts and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration. They may be communicated to persons who so request according to the procedures defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The public contracts and their annexes are also freely accessible, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. within the administrative premises of the Syndicat Mixte, located 949 avenue du parc des expositions, 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature – Contract relating to the assembly, dismantling, upkeep and maintenance of the staircase facilitating access to the Dune du Pilat
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose head office is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164, La Teste de Buch Cedex , Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation no. 340.2022.16 modifying the delegation of responsibilities of the union committee to the President dated September 16, 2022, signed on January 25, 2024, a contract relating to the assembly, dismantling, upkeep and maintenance of the staircase facilitating access to the summit of the Dune du Pilat, attributed to:
- the company ROLLIN TP, whose head office is located at 2 route des fermes 33610, CESTAS, for an amount of 29,938.68 euros excluding tax.
Public contracts and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration. They may be communicated to persons who so request according to the procedures defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The public contracts and their annexes are also freely accessible, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. within the administrative premises of the Syndicat Mixte, located 949 avenue du parc des expositions, 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature of a service concession contract for the management and operation of a cultural boutique in the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat.
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose headquarters is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation no. 384.2024.01 dated January 18, 2024, signed on February 1, 2024 the service concession for the management and operation of a cultural boutique (commerce no. 5) on the The reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat.
- The company FTJ registered with the Bordeaux RCS under number 793 733 874 and whose head office is located at 12 b rue du Maréchal de Lattre de Tassigny for a period of 6 years and 4 months and an amount of 2,602,927 euros excluding tax.
Service concessions and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of Articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
They can be communicated to persons who request them in accordance with the terms defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The service concessions and their annexes are also freely available for consultation, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. within the administrative premises of the Syndicat Mixte, located 949 avenue du parc des expositions, 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature – Contract relating to the Renewal and creation of wooden furniture and exterior fittings for the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose headquarters is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation no. 340.2022.16 modifying the delegation of responsibilities of the union committee to the President dated September 16, 2022, signed on January 2, 2024, the contract relating to the Renewal and creation of furniture and exterior wooden fittings of the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat.
- Lot 1 Furniture, exterior joinery and wooden frames is awarded to the company AMEXBOIS whose head office is located at 1170 Avenue de Traversetolo in Oraison (04700), for an amount of 197,264.00 euros excluding tax.
- Lot 2 Connected Lockers is awarded to the company CREABOIS whose head office is located at 12 Route du fileur 33750 Beychac et Cailleau, for an amount of 65,141.95 euros excluding tax.
Public contracts and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration. They may be communicated to persons who so request according to the procedures defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The public contracts and their annexes are also freely accessible, from Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. within the administrative premises of the Syndicat Mixte, located 949 avenue du parc des expositions, 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature – Works contracts relating to the creation and implementation of the visit route of the reception area of the Grand Site of the Dune du Pilat
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose head office is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation n° 320.2021.16 delegating the powers of the union committee to the President on September 8, 2021, signed on June 27, 2022, four contracts for the realization and implementation of the course of visit to the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat, as defined below:
- Lot 1 Outdoor furniture awarded to the company BOSCHER SIGNALETIQUE ET IMAGE whose head office is located at 2 rue du Fonteny 44220 COUERON for an amount of 176,268.90 euros excluding tax, i.e. 211,255.68 euros including tax
- Lot 2 Interior furniture awarded, without variant, to the company CREABOIS whose head office is located at 12 route du fileur 33750 Beychac-et-Caillau for an amount of 76,512.31 euros excluding tax, i.e. 91,814.77 euros including tax.
- Lot 3 Multimedia awarded, with option, to the company TRIAXE whose head office is located at 16 rue Claude Chappe 33600 Pessac for an amount of 7,615 euros excluding tax, i.e. 9,138 euros including tax.
- Lot 5 Audiovisual production awarded to the company OPIXIDO whose head office is located at 42 rue Alexandre Dumas 75011 Paris 11 for an amount of 40,530 euros excluding tax, i.e. 48,636 euros including tax.
Lots 4 and 6 are declared unsuccessful due to the absence of an offer received.
Public contracts and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration. They may be communicated to persons who so request according to the procedures defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The public contracts and their annexes are also freely available for consultation, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. in the administrative offices of the Syndicat Mixte, located at 260 avenue Henri Becquerel 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature of a service concession contract for the management and operation of a restaurant in the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat.
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose head office is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation n°339.2022.07 dated April 01, 2022, signed on May 12, 2022 a service concession for the management and operation of a restaurant (business n°7) on the reception area of the Grand Site of the Dune du Pilat, allocated to:
- the company MONUMENT CAFE registered with the RCS of Versailles under number 538 879 354 and whose registered office is located at 1 rue du Maréchal Joffre 78000 Versailles, for a period of 10 years and an amount of 6,000,054 euros excluding tax.
Service concessions and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of Articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
They can be communicated to persons who request them in accordance with the terms defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The service concessions and their annexes are also freely available for consultation, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the administrative offices of the Syndicat Mixte, located at 260 avenue Henri Becquerel 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature of a service concession contract for the management and operation of a restaurant in the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose head office is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation n°339.2022.07 dated April 01, 2022, signed on April 13, 2022 a service concession for the management and operation of a restaurant (business n°8) on the reception area of the Grand Site of the Dune du Pilat, allocated to:
- the company TEKOA CAFE registered with the RCS of Bordeaux under number 849 559 976 and whose registered office is located at 4 place Jean Hameau 33260 La Teste de Buch, for a period of 10 years and an amount of 7,890,108 euros excluding tax.
Service concessions and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of Articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
They can be communicated to persons who request them in accordance with the terms defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The service concessions and their annexes are also freely available for consultation, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the administrative offices of the Syndicat Mixte, located at 260 avenue Henri Becquerel 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature of a service concession contract for the management and operation of a tasting-restaurant business standing on the reception area of the Grand Site de la Dune du Pilat
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose head office is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation n°339.2022.07 dated April 01, 2022, signed on April 26, 2022 a service concession for the management and operation of a standing tasting-catering business (business no. °1) on the reception area of the Grand Site of the Dune du Pilat, allocated to:
- the company Copains comme poche registered with the RCS of Bordeaux under number 819 734 997 and whose head office is located at 171 rue Marcel Dassault 33260 La Teste de Buch, for a period of 7 years and an amount of 3,903,000 euros excluding tax.
Service concessions and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of Articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
They can be communicated to persons who request them in accordance with the terms defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The service concessions and their annexes are also freely available for consultation, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the administrative offices of the Syndicat Mixte, located at 260 avenue Henri Becquerel 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Notice of award and signature – Works contracts relating to interior and exterior carpentry work operations for the rehabilitation of the village of cabins located in the Grand Site reception area.
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment whose head office is located at Hôtel de Ville de La Teste de Buch – 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 – 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by the deliberation delegating powers from the union committee to the President, signed on March 17, 2022, for a period of 1 year, two works contracts relating to interior and exterior carpentry work operations for the rehabilitation of the village of huts located in the reception area of the Grand Site, as defined below:
- Lot 6: Interior carpentry awarded to the individual company MAISON BOIS NATURE (433 531 167 00032) represented by Mr Régis TYWONIUK, located at 4 Impasse du pré saint martin 33380 Mios, for an amount of 324,134 euros excluding tax (388,960.80 euros including tax).
- Lot 7: Exterior carpentry awarded to the company CREA BOIS (433 531 167 00032) represented by Mr Jean-Mathieu LIMERAT, located at 12 Route du fileur 33750 Beychac-et-Caillau, for an amount of 313,759.67 euros excluding tax (376,511.60 euros including tax) .
Public contracts and their appendices are communicable administrative documents within the meaning of the provisions of articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration. They may be communicated to persons who so request according to the procedures defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The public contracts and their annexes are also freely available for consultation, Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. in the administrative offices of the Syndicat Mixte, located at 260 avenue Henri Becquerel 33260 La Teste de Buch.
Occupation in the public domain
Under the provisions of article L. 2122-1-1 of the General Code of the Property of Public Persons, when a title allows its holder to occupy or use the public domain with a view to economic exploitation , the Mixed Syndicate is required to organize a prior selection procedure.
Notice of procedure
No procedure in progress.
Award notification
Notice of award and signature of two Temporary Occupation Conventions of the public domain of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat
In her capacity as President of the Syndicat Mixte de la Grande Dune du Pilat, a public administrative establishment headquartered in La Teste de Buch Town Hall - 1, Esplanade Edmond Doré BP 50105 - 33164 La Teste de Buch Cedex, Nathalie LE YONDRE, duly authorized by deliberation of the Trade Union Committee n ° 320.2021.16 of September 8, 2021, signed on December 17, 2021, following two prior selection procedures organized in accordance with article L. 2122-1 -1 of the General Code of Property of Public Persons, two Temporary Occupation Conventions of the public domain for a period of eight months, from 1er March to October 31, 2022, for the benefit of:
- SARL TEKOA CAFE, registered with the RCS of Bordeaux under number 849 559 976, whose head office is located at 4 place Jean Hameau 33260 La Teste de Buch for the shop n ° 1 of the “ephemeral village” made up of a commercial premises of 15m² for a minimum royalty amount of 15,000 euros excluding tax for the duration of the agreement;
- SARL TEKOA CAFE, registered with the RCS of Bordeaux under number 849 559 976, whose head office is located at 4 place Jean Hameau 33260 La Teste de Buch for trade n ° 2 of the “ephemeral village” consisting of a commercial premises of 15m² for a minimum royalty amount of 15,000 euros excluding tax for the duration of the agreement;
The agreements for the temporary occupation of the public domain are administrative documents which can be communicated within the meaning of the provisions of Articles L. 311-1 to R. 311-8-2 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
They can be communicated to persons who request them in accordance with the terms defined in Articles L. 311-9 to R. 311-15 of the Code of Relations between the Public and the Administration.
The temporary occupancy agreements listed above are also freely available for consultation, Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in the administrative premises of the Syndicat Mixte located in the reception area of the Dune - Route de Biscarosse - RD 218 - 33115 Pyla-sur-Mer.